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Fernie Mountain Market provides a place where vendors can promote and sell the items they make, bake, or grow.

Please familiarize yourself with the information below to help prepare yourself for vending at the Moutain Market. We can’t wait to see you in Fernie!
—-> Just 3 Steps To Vend With The Mountain Market



If you’d like to vend at the Mountain Market, review the Market Guidelines below then contact us and we will let you know if there is a need for the products or services you offer. We are happy to host vendors that would like to attend just a few markets a year or the whole season. In your email please include: where you are from, what you hope to sell, and details on how you make, bake, or grow it yourself.

Click to contact us


Once you have approval (Step #1 above), then you need to complete your Mountain Market Vendor registration. You must be a registered Mountain Market vendor to attend and vend at Mountain Market event. If you have previously vended at one of our events AND receive Mountain Market e-newsletters, that means you are ALREADY registered as a vendor and you DO NOT need to complete this step again. Don’t forget to add to your inbox contact list to ensure you get our emails. Remember to keep an eye out for our monthly emails which come out on the 1st of each month from May to October.

Click to register as a Mountain Market vendor


You must submit annual vending documentation annually eg, list of food sold, IHA approval, insurance, cosmetic numbers, fire department inspection. These documents must be uploaded via our online form, not via email. Please upload all your required paperwork at one time. Once you have completed this step you can vend at Mountain Market events. Please note: you will be refused vending privileges if you have not submitted your annual updated documents.

Click to submit your documents


Vendors commit 100% of their vending area to selling items that they can say “I made it, I baked it, or I grew it”


—-> Mountain Market Vendor Guidelines


Market fees at Rotary Park are $25 for a 10×10 space. Food trucks are $35 per truck. Weekly vendor fees are collected by the Market Manager each week at the beginning of the market. Seasonal vendor fees are collected at the beginning of the Market season.


Insurance is required to vend at the Mountain Market and a requirement of the City of Fernie for us to host the Market on City property. Insurance is a cost of doing business, mitigating risk, and protecting those around you. Insurance protects you against property damage or a liability claim being filed against you. IMPORTANT: you must upload your insurance documents as part of your annual vendor documents (step #3) before you can attend Mountain Market events.

We recommend carrying a minimum of $2 million in liability insurance including product liability. If you are looking for vendor insurance we recommend exploring Duoo (offers $15/daily option or for an annual plan it works out to as little as $6/day) OR BCAFM Vendor Insurance. You could also look at CanSure, Special Risk Insurance Managers, Cooperators Insurance or add it to your home business insurance plan. IMPORTANT: Please add the Mountain Market, Wildsight Elk Valley, and the City of Fernie as additional insured in your COI documents. The address of the Mountain Market is Rotary Park, 6th A Ave, Fernie BC V0B 1M0.

Duuo Insurane HOW TO –  1. Click ‘get quote’.  2. In the ‘Get an instant quote’ drop down menu, choose ‘my event isn’t listed’. 3. In venue search field, type in “Mountain Market”.  4. In venue name field, add “Rotary Park”. 5. In address field, add 6th A Avenue.


Please check the Market Calendar.  Vendors are expected to operate fully throughout the designated time period from 10am to 2pm. If you cannot stay for the entire market day, then do not attend.


Vendor access to the market site begins at 8 am. Vendors are expected to drop off, park, and then set up. Vehicle access to the site is restricted after 9 am (see the following section for details). Vendors must be onsite at the latest by 9:30 am. Vendors must be set up and ready for sales by 9:45 am. For your first market, please check in with a Market Coordinator before setting up so we can explain how to identify an available location. Market Coordinators wear fluorescent yellow hats and vests during set up and take down. 1st-time vendors are recommended to arrive between 8 and 8:45 am.


Vendors may drive in and drop off their setup during the above times. The entrance to the vending area is at 6A Avenue and 5th Street.  This drop-off entrance closes at 8:45am. All vehicles must be offsite by 9 am. Remove your vehicle immediately after dropping off your setup. You may not set up any part of your booth until your vehicle has been parked off-site, this helps us manage the number of vehicles in this smal area. Please take great care when driving through the market area. The maximum speed is 5km/hour (aka snail’s pace).


All vendors must provide their own setup, and we recommend you come prepared for all the elements that our beautiful mountain setting can send our way. We do not have tables, tents or weights to rent. Vendors must be prepared to operate from 10am till 2pm. If you cannot vend throughout the entire period, then do not attend.


If you sell out of a product we recommend posting signage to help inform customers of the variety of products you sell and to encourage them to come earlier next time. If you sell out completely please leave your booth set up in place and put up a prominent sold-out sign in your booth. Standard takedown procedures (below) apply. Please contact a Market Manager if you plan on leaving the Market area.


All customers deserve to have a similar Market experience whether they come at 10:05am or 1:55pm. Takedown begins after the Market ends at 2pm.  Any packing up of supplies, signage, product, or other parts of your setup before 2pm counts as taking down and is an infraction. Vendor vehicles will be allowed back on site at 2:15. Please take down and pack up your booth before bringing your vehicle on-site.


Food vendors from Alberta (maximum 300km away) are now allowed to attend the Mountain Market as Qualified Extra-Provincial Food Vendors. BCAFM bylaws were changed in 2021 state to allow AB food vendors to vend at BCAFM markets. We are proud to say we have been working for multiple years to change this and it has finally happened.  Artisan vendors from Alberta are not allowed to vend at BCAFM markets.  At the March 2024 BCAFM AGM in North Vancouver, the Mountain Market requested the BCAFM reassess this bylaw and change it to allow artisan vendors. This is a big process that impacts all farmers markets across BC. Updates will be posted here.


Vehicles may not be parked on the grass to vend out of your vehicle (excluding the select seasonal vendor area along the alley). Do not park in the Rotary Park playground parking lot or any business parking lots designated by the orange areas on the map below. When vendors park further away from the market it makes it easier for customers to park closer.  There are many areas surrounding Rotary Park (in the green) that may be used for vendor parking. Be sure to plan for time for parking when planning your set-up schedule. 


Please note that the Mountain Market is a smoke-free and scent-friendly environment. We request that all vendors respect the breathing space of others and keep their booths smoke and scent-friendly.


You are responsible for leaving the Market area better than you found it. All garbage and recycling must be removed off-site. Nothing should be left behind in the Market area (eg. ice or flower petals). Anything left in your vending area counts as an infraction. If you sell products that are packaged and could be consumed on-site then you must provide garbage and recycling receptacles in plain view of the customer. Vendors are encouraged to reduce their use of single-use disposable packaging and recycle whenever possible. Styrofoam packaging is not allowed on site and eco-friendly paper or compostable containers are strongly encouraged.


All vendors must have a minimum of 25 lb of weight per tent leg (or a minimum of 100 lb. overall) to secure their tent against the wind. This is for your safety and the safety of others. If you do not have appropriate tent weights you will not be allowed to set up your tent. Winds can pick up quickly and gusts can blow away tents – be prepared.


As a first-time vendor, please carefully review all the guidelines here and complete the 3 steps (above). We recommend new vendors to arrive between 8am and 8:45am to set up. Market Coordinators are available to answer questions and provide guidance AFTER 8am.


Vendors do not need to register each year, but they do need to submit their annual vending documentation – step #3 (above). If you receive our Mountain Market emails then that means you are registered as a vendor. Please note: If you have not submitted your updated annual documentation you will be refused vending privileges, regardless of how long you have vended with us. EVERY vendor must complete this step annually.  If you are considering a seasonal spot, scroll down to learn more.


The Mountain Market is always looking for more farmers that can provide locally-grown produce throughout the whole market season. Please contact us. Note that you must grow the produce yourself to sell it at our market. Reselling is not allowed.


We currently have regular fruit vendors that offer cherries at this time. We do not have space for other cherry vendors currently. You may contact us to be put on a waitlist for the future.  Please note that you must grow the cherries yourself to sell at our market.


If you would like to sell corn at the Mountain Market, please contact us to see if we have space available. Please note that you must grow the corn yourself to sell at our market.


All vendors selling food must comply with the Guidelines for the Sale of Foods at Temporary Food Markets. We highly recommend being FoodSafe or MarketSafe certified. To ensure you qualify to sell at the Mountain Market, please review our food vendor guidelines. Prepared Food Vendors must upload their IHA letter of acceptance/permit, insurance, and food product list (step #3 above) to be able to vend at the Mountain Market.

Click to view our food vendor guidelines



Each cosmetic product sold in Canada (and at the Mountain Market) must have a Cosmetic Number which shows they have a completed Cosmetic Notice Form (CNF) with Health Canada. To ensure you qualify to sell at the Mountain Market please familiarize yourself with our cosmetic vendor guidelines. Cosmetics vendors must upload their cosmetic product list and insurance (step #3 above) to be able to vend at the Mountain Market.

Click to view our cosmetic vendor guidelines



Doesn’t everyone just LOVE food trucks?  We love having food trucks join us. All food trucks must meet the IHA guidelines and Fire Safety guidelines detailed in the link below. Food trucks must be on-site by 8:30 am. Food trucks must now reserve a spot each week (by midnight Saturday). Click here to reserve your spot. Please note: if you reserve a spot and do not show then you will be charged triple your fee to attend any future market. Food Truck vendors must upload their IHA letter of acceptance/permit, insurance, and fire department inspection (step #3 above) to be able to vend at the Mountain Market.

Learn more by reviewing our food vendor guidelines



Any vendor utilizing fuel or power sources must have a portable fire extinguisher in their vending area. Food Trucks must provide proof of a fire department inspection.


Whisper-quiet generators are allowable by special request. Please email the Mountain Market to confirm your approval for use of a generator.


We welcome youth vendors at the Mountain Market. Youth vendors (18 & under) pay a reduced vendor fee of $10. Please note that all vendors regardless of their age must follow all the vending guidelines. If you are a youth who wants to sell food or cosmetics please note that these products require additional restrictions to sell at the market – please read the related section on this page. All vendors are required to carry insurance to vend at the Mountain Market regardless of their age.


BC Beer, wine, cider, and spirits can be sampled and sold at the Mountain Market if vendors have Farmers’ Market Authorization under Liquor Control and Licensing Branch Policy Directives. Click here to download additional information on the process. The Society Name for the LCL application is Wildsight Elk Valley and Society #S-0038134. Alcohol vendors must upload their Farmers Market Authorization document and insurance (step #3 above) to be able to vend at the Mountain Market.


Non-profit organization vendors are welcome to vend at the Mountain Market. Sales of non-hand-made products may be allowed if previously approved via email with the Mountain Market (eg. products with the organization’s logo). Please note that all vendors (including non-profits) must follow all vending guidelines and pay vendors’ fees. Note: Please do not send any representative of your organization to set up your booth if they have not read the Market guidelines. Community non-profit vendors must upload their insurance documentation (step #3 above) to be able to vend at the Mountain Market.


Weekly vendor spaces are “first come, first serve”, except for our seasonal vendor reserved area. Please check in with a Market Coordinator before setting up.  Tape measures are laid out on the ground and designate vendor spots. The tape measures state either ‘yes’ or ‘no’.  Locations marked ‘yes’ means you can vend in that area.  Seasonal spots are designated by numbers, only seasonal vendors may set up in their reserved spot.


Are you planning on attending most of the Markets during our season? If so, considering requesting a seasonal spot. Learn more about seasonal spots and request one by clicking the button below.

Click here to learn about our seasonal reserved area



We love buskers. Please contact us if you would like to explore options and locations to play at the Market. Please note that we do not have a budget to pay musicians but do allow busking for donations. Buskers must upload their insurance documentation (step #3 above) to be able to attend the Mountain Market.


All vendors selling fruit or vegetables at the Mountain Market are requested to participate in our BCAFM Farmers’ Market Nutrition Coupon program. Coupons are valid for the purchase of any unprocessed fruit or vegetable produce sold at the Mountain Market.  Change may not be given for these coupons. Vendors will be reimbursed at the end of alternate markets via online payment. Check-in with a Mountain Market Coordinator to receive your FMNCP signage and paperwork.


Vendors who do not follow the Market guidelines will be notified via the MM Infraction Polcy. The Market Manage utilizes this policy as they see fit.  Any fine must be paid before being allowed to attend future events.

  • 1st INFRACTION: verbal warning – “This is an infraction, the next time this happens you will receive a written warning”
  • 2nd INFRACTION: written warning – “This is an infraction, you have received a verbal warning previously, the next time this happens you will receive a fine”
  • 3rd INFRACTION: $50 fine – “This is an infraction, you have received a verbal & written warning previously, the next time this happens you will receive a fine”.
  • 4th INFRACTION: $100 fine – “This is an infraction, you have received multiple warnings previously, the next time this happens you will be suspended”.
  • 5th INFRACTION: market suspension – “This is an infraction, you have received multiple warnings previously, and you are now suspended”. A vendor may address a suspension and be reinstated via a written response explaining the suspension and addressing future plans.


Dogs are not allowed in Rotary Park as per City of Fernie Bylaws. The Mountain Market cannot enforce this bylaw for the public, but does enforce it for vendors.



Click here to view our Frequently Asked Questions page